Pilgramage (... like the pilgrams did)
I don't remember exactly when it was that I fell out with Spod. Actually, yeah I do. The 9th of september. Back then, I was very excited about his new EP. Then it stunk. Oh well. But anyway, I used to worship him. And since last January was the height of my Spod Idolisation period, I decided to go on a little pilgrimage of sorts. So I headed out to Bi-Lo.
Some of you may be familiar with the soon-to-be-extinct-yet-highly-delicious array of chocofilled biscuit treats, pods. Well, I found a whole shelf of them in the Bi-Lo:

On special because they're not.
Then, when none of the pimply angry teenage workers (who are ONLY hired by coles myer, Scott, you know this) were looking, I made a switch:

I swear, 2 packets got sold within 5 minutes.
Mum's comment: "I think you like Spod".
nolloc ypsirc
crispy colin?
(first thought: colin from college. then, colin firth. i got the fourth leg for my new desk to-day)
You have an installment plan on desk legs?
I think I fell asleep upright as soon as I got out of the car at hyams. Then again in the shower. I've had breakfast three times today.
Ruth is coming up tomorrow. There goes my plan for escape.
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