Where do the Fraggles live?
Yesterday Will, Scott, Brydie, Alice, Alex, Alys and I had funtimes in Double Bay, playing on pontoons, drinking ginger beer, playing defunct German boardgames etc. (ie: a typical day of fun circa 1832). Early in the day, Will told me about a campaign against littering (both physical and spiritual) he once saw that featured religious icons such as Jesus above toughasnails anti-litter slogans. So I pretended to write an SMS, secretly writing down what he was saying on my phone, and proceeded to come up with the following image. Print these out and circulate them (NOT litter the streets with them, hand them to people and then follow them home to make sure they don't drop them on the ground) around your area:

An anti-litter campaign should feature a rubbish Bin Laden.
I got my MRI results back. Everything is fine! My doctor (who looks like Mr. Bean, or so says my dad... and a few deranged patients in his office who actually congratulated him for his work in Blackadder) thinks I have small migraines that may develop later on. I may need glasses too. Goodtimes! And now, I'll take you further then you ever wanted to go and show you my brains:

While I was getting my scan, the nurse told me to imagine I was somewhere else, like by the beachside. So, the above photos were taken whilst I was imagining I was on the beach stuck in an MRI getting a scan. I didn't have a very good imagination whilst in there. But if you want, you can study the images and make your brain copy them exactly, so you too can imagine exactly what it feels like to be by a beachside, in an MRI getting a scan.
Last night at Alice's (awesome) house, all of us (except Will, sadly) played a tough game of Trivial Pursuit. We were confounded by questions about Fraggles. It was all in all a very hard-to-win-pie experience. Of course we were 3/4 of the way through before we reailsed we were playing the 'Youth Version' of the 1980s. I thought the Fraggles may have been some sort of classy adult drama or a popular sitcom from the 80s. No. Here they are:

Where do the Fraggles live? On Fraggle Rock!
For a bit o' xmas cheer, here's a more fun (in an epileptic red light district way) version of Will:

the answer was "radish". I mean, who eats a radish. And more to the point, whose favourite food is a radish?
Yeah the storm was awesome! I like the fact that most of it focused solely upon North Shydney.
Also, according to Henry, the right pontoon you guys were playing on was the 'gay' pontoon. I have no idea how or why.
I liked the popcorn.
Hmmm I like the idea of pontoons. They are like water forts. Interesting sidenote, whilst you, scott and alice were playing on the left pontoon, I pointed you all out to Alys, Alex and Will. Then I commentated on what you were doing. Little did I know that you had already swam away to the other pontoon, so I spent 5 minutes or so talking about a little girl in a purple one piece who I thought was scott.
Easy mistake to make.
Good work on the brains front. You can get glasses when I get my braces. We will be cyborgs!
Glad you enjoyed my turf. I love having you guys on it.
Watch out scott! I'll bust out an awesome freestyle dance move and coralate my foot with your face, which will make you have a stroke and you'll be fin-ished!
Is a skull and crossbones the international sign for pirates?
Opening a bottle of PIRATES solves so many problems.
I'm glad we don't have pirate ivy in Australia.
How does that Electric Six song go again?
Pirate! Pirate!
High Voltage!
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