FUCKING POINTSMAN!!! I HATE HIM. Why will he not give me my points (exam results)?! He is a pointsman isn't he? Why won't he give them? Argh! Argh! FUCK YOU POINTSMAN. I have just checked my results for the 17th time in the last 1/2 hour. This is exactly the same time I got them last semester. So why no points? FUCK. Alys got hers (ok, one..), WHY CAN'T I HAVE ONE? I HATE YOU POINTSMAN!!!!11111

Evil pointsman you do not deserve your shiny pointsman uniform!!!!
On a nonpointsman note. I love cereal. I eat it morning, day and night. It's the perfect meal: you can eat it with one piece of cutlery, it has food AND drink and you often get a free pedometer in the packet! But in Australia we don't have the awesome variety of cereals that I read about every day in my Archie Double Digest comics. I don't think I can take it anymore. I need Cap'n Crunch! And a few months ago I saw a Cap'n Crunch box in a bin on Church St! He's close! If you don't know why I wan't the Cap'n so much, Just look what happens if you eat him (or his cereal):

My social awkwardness will be eradicated by the Cap'n!
Got out my old albums and found some memorable Lennon songs. so for the unbelievers amoung us…
• She loves you (one of the best known Beatles songs)
• Fee as a bird (aha!)
• Real Love
• A hard days night
• Dear prudence
• Dr Robert
• Everybody´s Got Something To Hide Except For Me And My Monkey (so good!)
• I am the walrus
• Im only sleeping
• Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Need I say more? I can, there are soooo many lennon masterpieces here but then I don’t want to rub it in
also most of the songs on the album are credited to “Lennon/McCartney” including the best Beatles song EVER, “Blackbird”! notice that Lennons name is ALWAYS first. Now it could be an alphabetical thing or it could be cause he is so much awesomer than little Paul. Obviously it’s the latter. PLUS his post-Beatles songs were so much better than any band on the run crap AND he got shot AND took more drugs AND went insane and made weird music that everyone hated and cursed him for destroying the band. All of these are a feats little Paul never managed to achieve. Hadihaha!
I am off to a party. Peace out.
oh and check out the coolest cereal box ever! ... you can win free guns and dart boards and star wars stuff and knives god bless america! okay so ive been a little bored this still cool though...dawg!
Hahaha watch how you suffer defeat under your own sleight of hand! 'Blackbird' was 100% pure McCartney! 'Why Don't We Do It In The Road', 'Hey Jude', 'Get Back' , 'Let It Be', 'Birthday', 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'... ALL McCartney. Oh and you know 'We Can Work It Out' (my OMG best beatles song ever), well McCartney wrote the awesome verse and the shitty bit in the middle was written by Lennon. Hah! Basically it's the story of the beatles in one little song.
Hey, McCartney was the bigger man because he let Lennon be first because he was all immature and attention seeking and needed to be first in the songwriting credits. All the true fans knew the truth behind the whole Lennon/McCartney facade. Plus 'Why Don't We Do It In the Road' has some of the first slap bass ever, and '... me and my monkey' has the first bass solo. Oh Paul yer so dreamy.
Ok so lying in bed all day is pretty cool. But you can't be cool if you're dead! Hahaha!
Plus... I mean, Paul wrote 'Rocky Racoon'. And that song is solid gold! Plus 'Oh Darling' and 'Golden Slumbers' kick ass. Oh Paul.
Don't forget George who wrote 'here comes the sun'...
It's true, that song is awesome. He also wrote 'Taxman. My favourite is 'You Never Give Me Your Money', which features all 4 beatles singing seperate parts.
I bought Kellog's Frosties. They didn't have awesome guns in the box, but they did have delcious taste and a Tony the Tiger photo frame!
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