Working the ol' 9 to 5 (PM to AM)
So tonight was my 5th night in a row writing my Renaissance essay at my dad's work in the city. I always tell stories about what happens after I overdose on too much work and honour system coke: that I start to go a bit insane and and have crazy adventures with my friend the giant Roussilon butterfly. But I know most of you don't believe me. So I thought I'd provide a bit of visual evidence regarding what usually goes down during one of my late night working parties at Dad's office:

What!? No Rousillon! It would be a bad idea to take apart the boiling water machine to see how it works... oh ok then I guess it would be fun.
Hey look what I found in my Dad's office... it's the "about the author" bit from a book one of his clients wrote. After reading this (which she obviously typed herself) I am kind of tempted to read the book:

I too have the Cries for FREEDOM!
MOTHER OF FUCK!IE@# BUSH JUST WON!! FUCK. FUCK. ARHG! I just found that out then. Oh, the world is most definitely in trouble. Anyway (can there really be an anyway? We're fucked), since I was following all day I have decided to compile my favourite images from the ones they used as part of their election coverage:

Ah, memories
Anyway I just finished my essay on the Last Supper to hand in at midday... FUCK that's in 8 hours! I need to get some sleep before putting the finishing touches on it. Pat is also still up doing his all-night thing (actually he's only up till 4am tonight, tomorrow will be one of his true allnighters). But he was still delirious enough to make this image for me from one of my Last Supper pictures:

I feel honoured to have a Pat image on my blog.
But what does honour even mean anymore after my experience with my Dad's work's honour system drinks fridge?
Oh and on a moral note (I am writing my Practical Ethics essay from tomorrow after all... although I don't know how moral it is, it's on porn and animals [and sometimes both, disturbingly]), I have been writing down all the drinks I take on the little "drink charge" list, so they are not really free.
Oh and on a drink note, today I drank two supertasty supersize McDonald's cokes in a row with Georgie. And I'd do it again! Maybe that's why I'm still up... sorry about the fence sludge pat!
Oh and on a something note, I should go. BYE!!!
Most random caffeine-inspired post ever!
- Max
P.S. LOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOL that writer can't write.
And her second name is gypsy LOLWTFBBQ!
I am a Courageous man of the world never afraid to speak out about HOW I HAVEN'T SLEPT FOR 28 HOURS!!!!
Congrats on completing essay!
*hi fives*
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Awesome pat, but it fails on every level compared to my graphic/humour masterpiece:
Hi-5! Now on to the animal porn essay!
the pat spam begins again! now onto my male escorts with huge abs ethnographic study requiring extensive research essay!
i wish.
Hey Sarah!? My supercar green ford falcon has awesome abs.
damn it he knows my secret identity and my super loser abilities are revealed to all. im melting im melting.
thats is stupid will. i mean how can a supercar green ford falcon have awesome abs? how stupid do you think i am? its a ford! only toyotas and upper level mercs have super abs. fords are notorious for their love handleage, dur!
Lets just say my Ford Falcon has abs that will "BRAKE" your heart.
Aren't I the fool for explaining my puns even though everybody probably already got them.
Hey I urge everybody to sign up so there's no more 'Anonymous' commenting. It's gets so confusing. Except in Sarah's case, where her sign-in name is MORE confusing! And Sarah, you know you'll never spam my comments as much as Pat's because I will defeat you with a new blog entry!
foiled again, bugger!
- me
mmm enigmatic
U look like a friend of mine, made my heart do a little jump cause i thought this was his blog... Bush sucks...and i'm embarassed to live in a country where 51% of the voting public are IDIOTIC ASS CLOWNS!
look will you have a fan!
Yanks are dumb arent they?:)
hmmm possibly i could have a career as one of those cardiovascular electric shock mahines if i made your heart skip.
shhh sarah you're breaking my one and only fan! stop yanking their chain.
ahaha! yanking...chain!!! ehehe. so good, i love you guys. meanwhile i thought i would send patty some romantic lyrics that i wrote. he didnt reply, im not sure why...
I don't want anybody else
When I think about you I touch myself
Ooh I don't want anybody else
Oh no, oh no, oh no
I want you
I don't want anybody else
And when I think about you
I touch myself
Ooh, oooh, oooooh, aaaaaah
the funniest thing is those are lyrics off the album, they actually wrote it out like that!
gee whiz, that almost beats weezer's emo lyrics about japanese schoolgirls:
I wonder what clothes you wear to school
I wonder how you decorate your room
I wonder how you touch yourself
and curse myself for being across the sea
and for sole fan,
To combine your love of mc doanadls beverages, allnighters, the use of the word fuck and hatred of the bush government - try joing a poker school! Then you can play poker and be manly. When six am comes around its breakfast at at your favorite six am beverage outlet (mc donalds) before a good liedown. The perfect crime so to speak.
Wow. That was way too clever to be a casinobot. Awesome advice!
... garth?
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