This morning at 6:30am, I was happily sleeping in bed. When suddenly, my dream about friends (the tv show, of course) took a strange turn. Monica started dancing around flapping her arms like a chicken. Then Ross kept on hitting her on the head with a frying pan. What was going on? Then I realised that it was actually one of those things where noises you hear from the outside world enter and change your dreams. But what noises could cause such a strange detour from the normal funtastic misadventures of six hip new yorkers?
Well... A BIRD WAS FLYING AROUND IN MY ROOM AND HEABUTTING THE MIRROR! ARGH! A bird had gotten in through my window and was creating havock! What could I do? I think this little dramatisation will help you understand what really went down:

Note: some pants were hurt in the making of this fly recreation.
Ahahahahahaha Will
I love your photo's .. they are awesome. you have WAY too much time on your hands though dude..!
The last photo is funnier if you know that, while shooting the ninja kick picture above it, I ripped a giant crotch hole in my pants. It was the most forced thumbs up ever, I was totally crying on the inside about my pantshole.
Truly, you are a photoshop master.
- Max
youd better tell him... he will cry.
I finished making a board game... its an adaptation of 'assassin' (to many essess?)
good luck with your pac-mischief:)
Hey my hate for these animals is as justified as JT. One of them is carried around in a handbag that has picture of itself on it. The other one crapped on my carpet and destroyed a friends dream. Each crime is worse than the other.
Yeah I am feeling better thanks, although better just means more work. And scott, ixnay of the acmanpae.
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