He should lobby for points!

Well, the pointsman just came through for me. I can't believe he was still up at 5:30pm to do it. My marks aren't as good this semester, but I'm pretty happy with the ethics result. Man I wish my renaissance lecturer had given me that one extra point. Ah well. I guess it wouldn't have mattered, my senior average is still an infuriatingly non-distinct 74.0833333333333!

As in my trip? I'm scared of flying so much that I'm treating every day before I leave like my last. Time goes so fast when you are waiting to go on a terrible scareplane.
There's a smuttiness associated with fears of flying? Maybe you should go into it.
The pointsman gave me my results today and there is much celebration to be had! Yay! Balloons! Party! Candy! Cake!
In celebration of my result, I had a chicken burgen in a dad corner of Nando's, watching a fighting family try and teach their daughter "2x3", until the kid spilt peri peri sauce on the worksheet.
I turned into a poo? With Paris Hilton? I am so confused... maybe I should go outside once in a while so I can get up to scratch on the lingo that's being used these days.
Actually I did go outside tonight, into the backstreets of Newtown, and saw a guy get bashed up by a group of scary looking guys. I ran away like a wuss... does that make me a bad person?
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