Once upon a time, I had to write 1,000 words a day for like 5 days, and it drove me totally loco. Now I have to do that everyday FOR EVER* = IA M LOCO OUT OF MY MIND!@#$ *THESIS IS FOREVER> etc.
Anyway, last time I went loco, I talked to giant butterflies in the desert. Now I talk to Mr. T. He appears on a steel panel in my thesis cubicle only after midnight, and ususally disses on me. The words "Jive" and "Fool" are frequently invovled. I've managed to take a photo of him in action:

That's him there. See his Mr. T face and hair? Click for clearer image.
I forgot about this blog
- Max
How could you forget about the blog that killed your beloved childhood pet dog bono?
i forgot what i was going to say!
probably a quip about mr t.
sorry to disappoint.
fill up your thesis with 80s lyrics!
Mr T looks like a skinny squirrel-head. Seriously. How long to go thesis-boy? You know, I'm thinking of doing honours next year but you're not a very good advertisment for it...
This is a reminder to myself (can't find a pen):
'A zombie after my own heart' is a kickass phrase.
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