A Bike Felon Me
Sure, to the casual observed I look like an inoffensive bicycler with my low-GI water bottle and sunwise helmet-with-sun-visor. But for all you know I could be a terrifying member of a notorious biker gang intent on running over a few duck families before I snort shards of light bulb through a used syringe on my barstool of rusty nails:
His name is Helmut.Also, Lil’ Jon, everyone’s favourite crunker/inadvertent comedic genius, is back! Every other “comedian” should worship at the temple of Lil’ Jon and drink holy crunk juice from his diamond encrusted goblet of eternal wonder.
You can't be crunk and ballroom dancing? I've swear I've seen Derryn Hinch do it!
I can't believe it's pointsman time again so soon.
Statue of limitations
Well, I'm off to Port Douglas for a holiday. My last holiday before the many nights I cry myself to sleep over my honours thesis, which I start upon return. Hurrah. Meanwhile, here's a news article of interest from yesterday's Australian:
... jailed author?
Intervention Invention?
Your friends are planning an intervention. Your parents are looking into rehab therapy. Your cat is sad. You, however, have just uncurled from your foetal position and are crawling the streets in the rain at 3am looking for that quick fix hit for your addiction. That's where this invention can help. I call it the Alternative To Therapy (ATM).Sure, from the outside it looks like a normal ATM. But like any good table, it's whats on the inside that counts.
Let me tell you, banking on this invention will restore balance to your life.
And coming soon from the same design team: the Frosty Ribena Igloo for Grape Enthusiasts (FRIDGE)! Also, did you know that the same company makes both Panadol and Ribena? Hmmm, I wish they would combine their products...

Mmm, tastes like chalky.