Ruth and the Big Banana
My tamagotchi, God, died yesterday. That was after Pat and Alys subjected it torture by feeding it snacks until it got tooth aches, then leaving it in the dark and punishing it. This treatment turned my previously conscientiously raised $20 pet into a horrible child eating monster that was impervious to tooth aches and made me cry every time I looked at it. Yet now I have a new one called Sod and have no intention of looking after him. And to think I once stopped in the middle of the road just to make God happy. Now God is dead.

I got my exam results back! Huzzah! 79 for Samurai and 88 for Indigenous Art. Hah! Take that Ruth (my sister/nepotistic employer at the Aboriginal Art Gallery who has a banana phobia)! I think I will send her a postcard from the Big Banana.
I beat Alys at chess. Twice! She got ridiculously mad and vowed never to play again. She didn't like it when I took her pieces. It made her angry.
Whale watching made the front cover of the SMH today. Pat will be angry. Although he will be very impressed with a sign that Alys and I stole from the 'Planto' last night (we went out on the 'town' last night. Basically we just stayed at the Plantation listening to a crappy cover band because I was too scared to go in the Coffs Hotel).
I've decided I want to do media next year. Then again, that comes after other 'certain' decisions that I want to become a geography teacher, lawyer, graphic designer and generic office worker.
mein got!
blog a splosion!
i'll fix mine soon, i promise.
and i'm sorta disappointed that god died
to think i played all those games of 'jump' with him.
...WHO LEAVES A NINE CENT TIP!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!
ps. i've got to figure out how to get off anonymous with this thing
you could try haloscan comments, that'd just mean i could still be lazy and not register with blog*spot
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