Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I was paid in dollars to take some stencils up to Coffs Harbour and spend a weekend sprucing up a shop front that's being converted into a gallery. Cue confused Coffs Harbour residents, toxic gas delirium, Chips Ahoy!, and 38 x Ross...

Click here to see some photos from the trip.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Clown Recognition

I was watching CSI tonight. Those folks at CSI sure are amazing... they always have on hand a computer program perfectly tailored to suit any possible need.

You know: "Grissom, we have a photo of the deceased as a child being attacked by a racoon" - run it through the old 'Racoon-bite-location-tetanus-o-matic' and, voila, the computer knows where the deceased ate their lunch on their deathday.

Anyway, tonight they utilised a program with almost limitless crime-solving potential: clown recognition software. See, a clown was murdered. But his makeup was removed. So they fed a photo of the John Doeclown into the program:

Ran it through the clown recognition algorithms... and... hey-presto! Here is what this man would most likely look like as a clown:

Crime solved! They took his photo to a Clown agency, and tracked down his killer.

The killer was a mime.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


For years I've loved OK Go, a band so theoretically terrible (but so delicious in practice) that people laugh in my face and tell me that they'd rather get Chad Kroeger bedsheets than listen to them. I own the only OK Go official merchandise in the Australia (not surprising since they don't sell their albums here). I feel the need to append STOP signs with "OK Go." I am a lone fan fighting against both the masses (who don't know OK Go), and the critics (who hate OK Go).

But now, on the strength of treadmills, they are one of the most popular bands in the states. FACT. WATCH:

Finally! People love them. And for their MUSIC.


Monday, September 04, 2006

Stingrays are awesome